Solar panels are made of small photovoltaic cells that transform sunlight into electricity. Using the sun’s natural energy, your solar panels are converting solar radiation into electricity. You can still expect your solar panels to produce 10% to 25% of their usual output, Even when it’s cloudy.But your electricity isn’t ready just yet as it’s in a DC Form. You’ll need an inverter to convert this energy into AC electricity so that we can utilise this energy to power our household items.
The inverter is powered by the sun’s energy, converts the DC electricity produced by your solar panels, and turns it into AC electricity.Inverters usually mounted on an exterior wall of your home or some cases, in the garage.
A racking system is a structure used to securely place solar panels on your roof. This structure is specially designed according to different roof structures and types to securely attach solar panels to the roof.These racking materials are fully anodised and manufactured to survive in Australian harsh weather conditions.
When solar panels produce more than you require, the excess energy is sold to your electricity retailer, and your FIT credits will be credited to your quarterly electric bill. When your solar panels can produce less than what you need, your home will automatically pull the energy from the grid. Your smart meter records how much energy comes from and exported back to the grid.
A home solar panel system is an electronic system that converts sunlight’s power into usable energy for your lights, appliances and devices. The solar panel system has the below components.