A considerable number of households in Australia are turning to more financially and environmentally sustainable energy sources like solar. Not just homes but also entire businesses are quickly going solar. If you have ever considered switching to solar, too, you know just how overwhelming everything can get. Which solar panels to get? Which brand to purchase? Which retailer and installer to go with? Which size of the solar system to buy for your household energy requirement? It can get a little too much to take at once. That is what we strive to address in this post – which size of the solar system to consider for your household? The most popular choice of an installation amongst solar for home is the standard 6.6kW solar system. Their affordable, sized, energy generation, return on investment, and ease of connectivity makes it an ideal pick for Australian households. The best part is that you get your dollars’ worth in terms of energy generation. Throw in a decent feed-in tariff, and you have a greatly rewarding investment.
How much area is sufficient to accommodate a 6.6kW system?
The area required for one panel is approximately 1.7m2, which means a 6kW system will cover about 30-36m2 of area. This is subject to change depending on the roof style and its tilt. If tilt frames are required, they will take up a little more space compared to panels mounted flush on the roof. Your CEC-accredited retailer will conduct a thorough site inspection and assessment before recommending a system.
How many panels does a 6.6kW solar system use?
A standard 6.6kW solar system of today using anywhere between 300W to 370W will consist of 17-22 solar panels.
How much will a 6.6kW solar system cost?
As of February 2021, a 6.6kW solar system of good quality, installed properly, came with an average cost of only $2500 to $3000 – much much more affordable than it was just a couple of years back. This price is also subject to solar rebates and subsidies offered by the local government. Systems with advanced offerings and benefits would be a little more expensive, though those with limited offerings could be purchased at a lower cost.
How much energy will a 6.6kW solar system generate?
There cannot be a single solid answer to this, considering its dependence on:
- Location of the site
- Orientation and tilt of the panel array
- Presence of shade on/around the property (falling on the panels)
- Performance of the panels and the inverter
Generally, a 6.6kW solar system with a 5kW inverter can generate anywhere from 23.8kW to 27.7kW of energy on a normal day. It is, by far, the most preferred choice of a majority of average-sized Australian households.
6.6kW solar system with solar batteries?
If you live in a location where there are frequent power outages, getting batteries for your 6.6kW solar system is recommended. However, if your area is not very prone to power outages (say, once every month), it is really important to understand the off-peak and peak power pricing with your retailer to make the most use of your battery. The minimum size of batteries our experts recommend is 5kW – to ensure sufficient storage capacity.
What is the payback period of a 6.6kW solar system?
Provided your system came at an affordable cost, was installed well, and generates a decent amount of energy for consumption, the average payback period you’re looking at is 3-5 years. That’s about it, the basics you need to know about 6.6kW solar system in Australia. Need a little more assistance? Feel free to contact us at Solar Secure. Our teams of experts are dedicated to customising and designing solar systems best suited to your requirements.
For further information, fill in an online enquiry today, or give us a call on 1300 867 328